Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Morning Glory

Ah, She gazed at me with those exotic hazel eyes cloaked beneath a veneer of drug induced abandon. As she danced on invitingly, her pretty ,short , black dress sashayed just a little with her seduction laden moves. It was quite a visual treat that added that extra zing to my first Pernod of the night. It was hard not to spot her presence highlighted by the skanky 30ish chain smoking divorcee in the red dress with a shiny watch holding a glass of Tom Collins,with the tanline on her ring finger quite obvious, was dancing maniacally next to her. It made this hypnotic beauty just a little more intriguing, like adding an antonym to your definition makes it appear a tad more lengthy, a slight more sophisticated. They maintained a sense of equilibrium on that dance floor of anarchy. I had a comfortable panoramic view to the pandemonium. Seated on that cushy bar stool I could observe the exotic beauty towards the far corner.

By now we both had locked gazes and her dancing invitations were picking up rhythm. As I knocked back my 4th Pernod, the distance had become quite unbearable. I guess she felt it too for I noticed her dancing her way towards me, Not wanting her to stop dancing as by then I had become quite addicted to her rhythmic sways, I made my way through the seething mass of humanity. We quite bumped into each other somewhere in the middle I think. The last Pernod must have done away with most of my inhibitions because I soon got my groove on. The music, lights and people around me were just complimenting our small promenade. Just as we were about to take it to the next level, she started backing away and a few moments later she had disappeared back into the crowd. I looked for her as desperately as a smoker looks for a match so needed for his morning smoke. After a couple of rude bumps and being shoved back and forth by semi-fornicating couples, I found myself face to face with none other than the red dressed skanky who had turned the focal point of her moves towards me. Well this was no time to engage her, I quickly darted her and made for the corner where I first saw my by now long lost lust. Squeezing through two serenading lard tubs I finally reached the corner. And there she was dancing with an another guy. The whiff of the Pernod spilt on by my epileptical neighbor brought about this clarity experienced only by alcoholics in between drinks. She was a tease!! By god and I had not seen it coming. I had fallen for that hook ,line and sinker. Recovering quickly, I held my place just long enough for her to catch my gaze.

Then made my way back to the cushy barstool. It was time to resume some much missed drinking . As I sat down & ordered my 9th Pernod, I saw another small parting in this sea of people and lo there she was again. Gyrating wildly and losing some much exhibited self control. Sadly she had taken it on her ego that I had not stayed to watch the show. So she had brought the show to me. Continuously dancing with random guys never taking her eyes of me. But I had learnt my lesson. Once a tease, always is. Just to drive my winning stake, I made my way out of the pub and to this club across the street.

As I entered this new nocturnal institute, I started noticing a lot of familiar faces of the night. There was the guy with the mermaid tattoo who was sitting next to me at the bar, the two beer guzzling whales, the ever-young 50ish couple, and even that old 60 something perv I had spotted near the ladies room. So I wasn't the only Einstein to crossover . Apparently just about everyone had had the same idea. Further inspection of the place made it quite clear to me that the dance floors were quite uninteresting yet. So I settled down onto another cushy barstool and ordered my 14th Pernod I think 15th, no am sure it was my 6th, and that was when I saw her, dancing solitarily, this wonderful beauty of a mature bearing in a beautiful red dress, clutching a glass of Tom Collins. It was almost a crime that she was alone. Well I could remedy that. I made my way for the second time that night, dodging arms, legs, heads and any other human body parts that drunk people usually sway around. And there I was face to face with her.

Without saying a word I started to dance with her. I could'nt make out her expression though. Maybe it was just the smoke arising out of the ashtray on the table next to her playing tricks on my already hazy eyes. We danced for quite a bit. And then she leaned in and whispered something quite inaudible in my ear just as we were approaching the speakers. Like any seasoned clubber I just nodded and smiled.

As she led me on by holding onto my arm out of the club. Something shiny caught my eye, I glanced the time in her wristwatch. It was 5:30AM. It was going to be one hell of a morning.

Cast in this episode:-
The Tease:- Reality.
Red dressed Divorcee/Beauty:- Imagination.
I:- Us.

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