Saturday, October 3, 2009

Prison Diary

There was once a time, I sat alone.
Longing for company, Locked in my home.
I used to look out into the dark nights.
Hoping that a visitor just might,
Make his way unto my doorstep.
I waited in patience brushing the tears shed.

Scores of eyes glared at the manor in intense hate.
even as Many a feet crossed my gates.
Yet not one cared to tread in.
To see me well, to share a grin.
I was unaware of the outside din.
It now appears they believed I've lived a life of sin.

Tired of the waiting, I retired to my armchair
just not caring.
It was then I received a visitor.
My first one after the last had left years earlier.
He wasn't a handsome specimen mind you.
For he sported ugly horns and heeled boots.

"What do you want of me?", I asked him.
"A lime would be good, with a spot of Gin."
came the reply.

I watched exasperatedly as this guest of mine,
Helped himself with considerable audacity.

"You are accused of three heinous crimes."
He said tapping the now empty bottle.
I steeled my self for this trial of times,
even as my hair stood on its ends hearing his nasty chortle.

"Pray, speak what my deviance is?
Point him out, he who has grievances.
Remind me where I have erred,
So I may surmise what else is there to be learned."

"Very well, You shall have it as you wish."
He said waving his hand with a flourish.

There appeared a cloud from the fireplace
Broadcasting an incident where I fell from grace.
It was an incident of my youth,
Since when I have never forsaken the truth.

"Is it to be believed,
that you have acted with immense greed?
By resorting to honesty,
You have damned society to face it's own hypocrisy."

"It is true." I replied.
Undaunted, unmarred

"Then I pronounce you guilty as charged!"

"Charge number two:
Have you ever been selfless?"
He asked even as I was reeling with acceptance.

I recalled the now long gone past,
whence I had forsaken my desires and held fast.
It was then it dawned upon me, It seems
I had lived for others giving up my own dreams.

Pangs of regret began to choke me,
Even as the cursed devil moved on to charge number three.

"Has forgiveness too been your game?"
He eyed me crossly.
Sunk as I was, I hung my head in admitted shame.

"How then can we allow you to reside in this Society?
One that values dishonesty and thrives on duality."

It was thus that I was ostracized,
But it was wisdom rather than regret that donned my eyes.

So I went to the gallows a happy man,
Looking back at the world for that one last time,
It was a good run, I still say.
As I wait in my cell block for a visitor to come my way.

Over the events, I have learned.
Good deeds can't be cured.
How I wish I could join the herd!
My name is God,
And I have left the world.


Unknown said...

Wow!! Its really brilliant.

Aabhishek Patwari said...

Thank you so much Prerana. Do keep reading:)