Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sitting on the fence

I love women. In fact I love them so much that I think I understand them. Fatal mistake. No one understands women. Not even women understand women. That’s the crazy part. No two women are alike. Sounds impossible yea? No I mean it. No to women are alike. They may want the same things, their demands may sound similar but they are as unique as two vada pavs from the same vendor. They both are vada pavs but one's got the vada sticking out so you end up eating more of the pav which alters the taste & the other's got more of chutney. Although both are made from the same ingredients, they both taste different. Same thing with women. I don’t intend to sound misogynist. In fact it is in tribute to these beautiful creatures ,without whom life would only consist of beer and IPL reruns on TEN SPORTS, that I endeavor to blend in two of the things I love the most. My women and My food.

Men are shitheads to begin with. They don’t need a woman to tell them that. They already know it. What's more a woman repeating the fact over and over again, to a man's ear sounds a lot like the announcement at the railway station. You know she's saying something important but you just cant figure out what it was. It puts men in an unfavorable position I agree But it's not our fault entirely. We are evolutionistically impaired. No I wont claim clemency on that ground. We are who we are. We tend to simplify things that don’t need simplification. Coz if we don’t, we don’t understand them. Its quite simple isn't it?

We are hell bent on simplifying complex issues like Shopping, Social behavior and relationships. Whatever the issue, we try to simplify it into terms understandable to us. All is viewed through the bifocals of Cause and Effect. To a man's mind, Something must take place to have an effect on his daily life. The cause must become personal in order for the effect to become personal.It's quite stupid really. We are ill-used to the practice of spending hours and hours at the mall. Which is where we go wrong. It is the woman who is a well informed consumer, hence the better citizen/First Citizen(Yea my girl's got that card too). We are the ill-informed guzzlers hence the better denizens who want nor have a right of say in such matters. and we accept that. After all Cause and Effect.

For men, we crave for logical explanation. Which becomes our undoing. For example if your woman is looking a bit low, we need to know NOW! What happened? Girls don’t know the agony men go through, we probably deserve it anyway, but our minds keep going back and forth in time over and over again trying to recall which act or omission lead to us ending up on the couch today. We don’t understand the concept that sometimes a ball has to touch the ground before bouncing back up.

A woman is the beginning and the end and for some unfortunate ones, the beginning of the end. I personally don’t buy the latter explanation. For that you truly have to put in your greatest effort to misunderstand Her. Its not that difficult to get it right actually. You don’t really know what you want in life, so she ends up telling you what you both will need. Its not that bad a deal. I don't know what I really wanted, But today I have everything that I need.


Rahul said...

Quite a writer, eh!!

Jonathan said...

dude.... WICKEDLY written ... love it man ....
everythin u said is very true ... :) ...

aishu said...

dear mister patwari ..... this comment u recieve is from a woman ... who is definately unique .. but who can not completely but atleast understand her woman friends a little .. and yes we are as diverse as a vada pav *u sure do love u r food :P*....but no offence .. u guys will never get us ... not even if u misunderstand us ... now let me tell u why
1. u guys arent evolutionistically impaired *thats what u callled it *.... you are just slaves of selective hearing ... if a woman was telling u something right *which we always do* you choose not to hear it most of the time .. bcozz its right somewhere in the middle of the conversation she does bring up the fact that u men r SHITHEADS ... but what we always fail to understand is .. how a talk about *our relationship* wont be heard and how .. if SEX is asked ... bamm ... u r on the bed ..... ,social behaviour and relationships .. aren't complex issues ...
they are simple issues that we take our time and look into ... while u guys .. just grab a piece of clothing .. burp .. and walk off :P....that is why my dear friend WE are the WELL informed consumer ....
3.and logical explanation .. hmmmm its funny how u men r .. u crave logical explanation .. but only for 3 seconds ... and after that logic and reason out of the window .... if a woman is feeling low .. u will ask her why she is NOW ... and when she tellls u .. u regret having asked *it shows on u r faces always* .. and that is why the COUCH :)
well written post i must say *it takes courage to write about us* ... but dont try too hard in understanding or misunderstanding her .... afterall ... its bcoz of her ... u HAVE EVERYTHING THAT U NEED :P

Srinidhi said...

hey!! i came across this blog! and i just couldnt pass it up without commenting! :) its not only wonderfully written... the thought is so amazing! :) I loved the comparisons! made it a lovely read! :) :)

Aabhishek Patwari said...

Dear Aishu,
I thank you for pointing out your observations so clearly. The first part of your comment I notice, is quite in concurrence with the article. Its very difficult to understand women. I think we both agree on that. Now the other points:-

1.I truly believe that unintentional selective hearing should be largely attributed to evolution. Its true over the years, we have trained themselves to catch upto 3-4 keywords such as "BEER", "SEX", "BARBEQUE" which are elementary to a man's existence.

2. Shopping, Social behaviour & Relationships may come as easy as breathing to the female mind but are extremely complex and difficult matters to a male mind. There have been a good few men who have delved much into these issues and have either come out as fairies or have had to have multiple surgeries. So we have developed a phobia about these issues.

3.With regards to logical explanations, I think we both can agree, logic is a very variant term. Its the paradox of the half empty and half full glass. Both are logical explanations. So we take our respective picks:)

On another note, thank you for your comment and interest. I don't try to understand or misunderstand women but its my endeavor to accept them as they are, and love them for their differences:)

Aabhishek Patwari

Aabhishek Patwari said...

Hey Srinidhi,
Thank you so much for your comments and encouragement. Do keep reading!

Aabhishek Patwari

Devika Chaturvedi said...

u are surely an insane writer...i enjoyed your articles in bits and pieces but they surely were entertaining...this ones my favourite...