Friday, July 24, 2009

The Art Of Advocacy

I was recently at a guest lecture dealing with the topic of “The art of Advocacy”. Now this doesn’t really form a part of my curriculum but I was in attendance due to one of those conscience pangs of not doing your bit for your chosen profession.

The lecture was nothing to write home about but it was the manner in which it took place was a tad enlightening. In a very forgotten and underestimated experiment the speaker, an old veteran of the court room battles, asked for a good old fashioned introduction of the 45 odd people in the class.

It is quite a daunting task, I observed, to sum up your life story in about five sentences. I noticed most people fumbled up, those who didn’t, lied and those who did not do any of the above, overdid it.

I am not in the least judgemental about these people. Hell I was one of them. Although I do not know which of the above categories I fell in.

We heard life stories from legal empire scions to constitution obsessed fucks. No one person in that room could calmly talk about their lives which led me to believe , we probably don’t think as much about life as we ought to.

It was when old fogey at the podium started to narrate an entirely unrelated story ,like only old people manage to do, causing my mind to wander again to that observation. That was when it struck me. There is no real necessity to think about life. What’s important is that you go out there and experience it. Do keep one thing in mind though. Your experiences and wisdom are yours and yours only. It may or may not benefit anyone else except you. By the time you’re done tasting most of what your life has to offer, the world will already have moved on.

Someone once said, “Life’s a learning process.” I am pretty certain now, that person once attended an “Art of Advocacy” lecture.
Your experiences with life will have no bearing on the present generation that’s because you come from a foregone world and your listeners are usually creators of tomorrow. If anything it’s important to hear them out. If only for a selfish reason as you’ve tasted what the past had to offer, It’s only right that you have a chance to savour the future.